(Watch) Cam Newton appeared to get in a fight with a group of guys recently


Cam Newton appeared to get in a fight with a group of guys recently … and it was all caught on video.

The former NFL quarterback’s right in the middle of a group of guys who have jumped on him, and he’s trying to hold them back without swinging back.

As they spun around, another man in a white t-shirt came up and threw a punch at Cam, a blow that appeared to make contact with someone.

Newton’s mission statement for his 7 v 7 organization, C1N, promotes development for young athletes on and off the field.

“C1N is also committed to supporting the community through various initiatives and partnerships,” the statement read.

“The organization’s previous ‘Newton’s Nuggets’ program provided mentorship and educational opportunities for young people, while its association with the Boys and Girls Clubs of America aimed to promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles among children and youth.

As of recent we have steered directions and focused on the empowerment of young men in high school to ‘lock in’ on their skills inside and outside of football.

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