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Using bulldozers and controlled demolitions, Israel has destroyed some 1,100 buildings in the zone so far Israeli...
A woman is charged with manslaughter, accused of a fatal crash that happened in 2022. The probable...
Police arrest a man who was wearing nothing but underwear and a had a t-shirt tied around...
According to the country’s civil defence service, the eruption began after 20:00 local time (20:00 GMT) on...
Michigan coach arrested for allegedly driving while intoxicated, suspended just 10 days after hiring

Michigan coach arrested for allegedly driving while intoxicated, suspended just 10 days after hiring
Michigan coach arrested for allegedly driving while intoxicated, suspended just 10 days after hiring The former NFL defensive...
Halo Branton, a missing baby who was the subject of a recent AmberAlert, was located “dropped down...
The New York City man who disarmed & shot a black man with his own gun will...
Police now say Andre Gordon “is barricaded with hostages.” inside a Trenton home. An “extremely dangerous” suspect...
It’s turning into a mystery to rival the disappearance of Amelia Earhart or the D.B. Cooper hijacking....