Brian Cox slams the Bible as ‘one of the worst books ever’


In an interview on “The Starting Line Podcast,” “Succession” star Brian Cox, 77, had some scathing words about the book. 

“Religion does hold us back because it’s belief systems which are outside ourselves,” Cox said on the show, which published Sunday. 

“They’re not dealing with who we are. We’re dealing with, ‘Oh if God says this and God does that,’ and you go, ‘Well what is God?’ We’ve created that idea of God, and we’ve created it as a control issue, and it’s also a patriarchal issue.”

The Emmy-winning actor went on a further tirade, saying, “We have to honor [women], and we have to give them their place and we’re resistant to that because it’s Adam and Eve. I mean, the propaganda goes right way back.”

He didn’t mince words as he added, “The Bible is one of the worst books ever, for me, from my point of view. Because it starts with the idea that out of Adam’s rib, this woman was created, and [people will] believe it cause they’re stupid enough.”

“They need it, but they don’t need to be told lies,” he said. 

“They need some kind of truth, and that is not the truth … It’s a mythology.”

The Scottish actor, who is also known for “Braveheart,” “The Bourne Identity,” “Troy” and “Churchill,” hasn’t shied away from blunt statements in the past. 

After his onscreen “Succession” son, Jeremy Strong, 45, gave an interview about method acting, Cox told  “Town & Country” magazine that Strong’s method acting is “f – – king annoying. Don’t get me going on it.”

“He’s a very good actor. And the rest of the ensemble is all okay with this.

But knowing a character and what the character does is only part of the skill set,” he added of Strong. “He’s still that guy, because he feels if he went somewhere else he’d lose it.”

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