Humanity is facing a bizarre new pandemic threat, scientists have warned. Ancient viruses frozen in the Arctic permafrost could...
Independent Journalist, Blogger, Writer, CEO
Vistex CEO Sanjay Shah and Vistex President Vishwanath Raju Datla were inside an iron cage that was...
Florida – Christopher Barba, Gregory Pfefferkorn, Adam Turner and James Villacorteza were among those arrested,The arrests were...
U.S. troops in Iraq are injured in attack linked to Iran-backed militias. At least two U.S. service...
There are now a total of 47 reported illnesses, including 10 hospitalizations, in 22 states: Arizona, Colorado,...
BodyCam man playing with lighter fluid inside of a store © Copyright RawNews1st
Clayton McGeeney, 36, Ricky Johnson, 38, and David Harrington, 37, were found dead outside another friend’s home...
4 women injured in Harvey after car collides with train. The incident happened around 2 a.m. Saturday...
Tesco workers thinks customer is acting weird due to his shopping. © Copyright RawNews1st
Administrators at a Minneapolis high school canceled classes Friday after a pair of allegedly “race-fueled” fights Thursday...