Zuckerberg’s CTCL Announces $80 Million Program to Run Elections
As of April of 2022, according to the Capital Research Center, only “18 states have banned or restricted the use of private funds for election offices and 6 governors—all Democrats—have vetoed potential bans. Wisconsin Gov.
Tony Evers (D) has vetoed 2 Zuck buck bans; Kansas’s legislature overrode its Democratic governor’s veto.”
The six states that have considered bans but ultimately failed to ban or restrict private funding are; Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. A bill proposed in South Carolina has been stalled in committee.
Minnesota has a bill in progress and, notably, Wisconsin, W. Virginia, and the red state of Texas “[regulate] but [do] not prohibit” private funding, according to Capital Research’s analysis of states’ legislation.
On Monday, Pennsylvania advanced a bill banning private funding of elections and eliminating drop boxes.