Source – New surveillance shows Young Dolph last moments alive in Makedas cookie shop before he was assassinated by two violent thugs.
The way the audio you hear is court audio . His family member is on the stand talking about the video basically identifying dolph.
Young Dolph, whose real name was Adolph Thornton Jr., was fatally shot at Makeda’s Cookies on Airways Boulevard on Nov. 17, 2021.
Justin Johnson and Cornelius Smith Jr. are both charged with first-degree murder, among other felonies, in the death of Dolph, whose real name was Adolph Thornton Jr.
Shelby County DA Steve Mulroy said Smith is cooperating with the prosecution but would not comment.
He also confirmed Johnson is the only one currently on trial and expects the trial to be done by Sept. 26. Johnson is pleading not guilty.
Smith said the year had been rough for him as his 9-year-old child had died months before.
Smith was made aware of multiple hits out on artists affiliated with Young Dolph’s PRE record label after speaking with Govan and Big Jook, Yo Gotti’s brother who was shot and killed in January.
Smith said he and Johnson traveled together, with Johnson picking him up. Smith said the initial plan was to shoot Thornton at a “turkey drive” but spotted the camoflagued-wrapped Corvette Thornton was known to drive.
Smith said he was shot by Marcus Thornton, the brother of Young Dolph, who was present at the cookie shop, and needed to have a “wound kit” to clean up his injuries. Smith said he was shot in the arm and leg, with Johnson being grazed by a bullet on his back.
Smith also said the duo ditched the white Mercedes in a driveway at a home in Orange Mound directly after the shooting.
When they ditched the car, they then drove a different vehicle to an apartment in South Memphis, where they changed their clothes and cleaned their wounds.