May 10, 2022- 12:31 p.m.
A Claremore woman charged with 2nd degree manslaughter: owner of a dog that kills, didn’t show up for her preliminary hearing in April.
An affidavit for Rise Morrow says:June 2016: her pitbull named Hurley bit a man’s face who was a friend who was coming to the Morrow home. His injuries required surgery.
November 2016: the dog bit a man who was visiting.
Those injuries were disfiguring and Morrow was issued a ticket for harboring a vicious dog.
2017 or 2018: the dog knocked down a woman who was coming to the Morrow home to report a water leak and the dog stayed on top of the victim until Morrow called off the dog.
November 2020: the dog bit several people.
When a woman tried to help the victims, she was bitten on the thigh and breast.
Another woman was bitten and her injuries required long term hospitalization.
When that woman’s husband tried to help her, he was bitten several times in the stomach and thighs.-2021: That man went back to the hospital for his dog bite injuries that became septic and he died.
The autopsy says sepsis and wounds contributed to his death.
March 25, 2022: Morrow was charged with manslaughter and arrested and ordered to return to court in April 26th, but failed to do so.