Woman arrested after kids escape abuse of being tied up, beaten, and tased


There are disturbing new details in a horrific case of child abuse. Phoenix Police said three children under the age of 16 escaped an apartment where they’d been tied up and beaten and ran to a neighbor for help.

Detectives arrested Sarah Canez, a female relative, on accusations of felony child abuse and kidnapping.

Now, we discovered other children in that same home, and their father is trying to find them.

The man we met, who we aren’t identifying, was knocking on the door looking for Sarah Canez on Thursday. He was unaware she had been arrested for severe child abuse for children under 16 three days ago.

His heart sank because he came there Thursday looking for his own children, who had been staying with Canez since Sunday.

“I’m scared for all of them, but I’m just really trying to go find my children. I’m glad you found me so I now have a direction to go look,” the man told True Crime Correspondent Briana Whitney.

He said his children are six and three years old, and Canez is their aunt.

He said the victims in this case were living with Canez, their relative.

“Thought everything was going good. It was beautiful in there. There was furniture, everything, got really nice bunk beds for them all. It looked like everything was going well for her,” the man said.

The bunk beds were mentioned in the court documents, and authorities claimed that the kids were zip-tied to them.

The report details horrific abuse.

The three victims escaped the apartment and ran to a neighbor’s for help, then eventually told police the abuse entailed being struck with a gun, tased in their private parts, choked, beaten, nearly suffocated with plastic bags, and some details so graphic we won’t mention them.

The victims recalled Canez saying she was going to kill them.

The oldest victim said Canez believed the siblings were inappropriately touching her daughters, but that victim told detectives that never happened.

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