June 30, 2022
Why Are US Hospitals Sending Sensitive Data to Facebook?
“Data is the new oil. Every second, a person creates roughly 1.7 MB of data.
Not surprisingly, there is a concerted effort from Big Tech companies to mine data flows and drain us dry
One such company is Meta, more commonly known as Facebook, a company known for violating users’ rights repeatedly, without remorse
According to a recent Markup report, a tracking tool installed on dozens of hospitals’ websites ‘has been collecting patients’ sensitive health information—including details about their medical conditions, prescriptions, and doctor’s appointments.
Rather alarmingly, this sensitive info has been sent to the data gurus in Silicon Valley
Last year, as you might recall, Facebook changed its name.
Different name, same problems.
The change was merely aesthetic—more marketing savvy than a change of actual substance.
In reality, Meta appears to be no less trustworthy now than it was prior to the name change…”