9/22/2021- 7:27 p.m.
Washington School Walks Back ‘INSANE’ Policy Requiring Students to Wear Masks…WHILE EATING
Kids returning to Geiger Montessori School in Tacoma, outside Seattle, this fall were greeted with a bizarre Covid-19 protocol.
The school advised that children would be spaced out in a ventilated cafeteria, and could remove their face masks “only to take a bite or drink.”
After placing food in their mouths, kids were then asked to raise their masks “to chew, swallow, or talk,” KTTH reported. One parent complaining to the outlet saying the rule was “insane,” so they reached out to the school.
With KTTH pestering them, Geiger Montessori walked back the policy, calling it a “good faith” interpretation of CDC guidelines. A spokesperson for the school added that going forward, “we won’t discipline any students for not wearing their masks between bites.”