Virginia Woman Arrested After Allegedly Killing Her Husband Who Was Divorcing Her
The Wangs bought their home in Shell Bay in 2017. Christina kept on residing at the home when Calvin moved to Lake Smith Condominiums in 2022 subsequent to seeking legal separation.
Neighbors told journalists off camera that the couple minded their own business, and were tranquil beside one occurrence in May 2022.
As per Calvin Wang’s separation recording, he was making a garbage run on May 9, 2022, when he found a pregnancy test clinched. Subsequent to looking through the house, he tracked down a few utilized tests, a container of condoms and a condom in Christina’s handbag.
The couple had not been personal in months. In the wake of being gone up against, records state Christina confessed to the undertaking on something like three events, including one time at their home.
A few neighbors told 10 On Your Side that they could review that evening in light of the fact that Christina’s treachery started a contention that sounded “perilous.”
They said they heard Calvin over and over holler, “You betrayed me” as Christina shouted for help saying her significant other had a weapon and was attempting to shoot her.
Neighbors said they called police, and officials emerged to the house that evening.
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