From the small but inexplicable ($32,000 for a transgender comic book in Peru) to the larger and more problematic (funding a supposedly independent journalistic non-profit referenced by a CIA analyst whistleblower responsible for catalyzing the first Trump impeachment as a reason to suspect the president of wrongdoing), USAID has had its fingers in plenty of pies it shouldn’t have.
However, what if I told you that USAID played a part in the catastrophic pandemic that helped the Democrats dramatically (and illegally) overhaul election laws — and thus, it could be said, helped steal the 2020 election for Joe Biden?
I know, I know: I sound a bit like a slightly unbalanced Morpheus handing Neo the red pill. Breadcrumb it all back, however, and it begins to make a lot more sense than you’d think.
As the U.S. Agency for International Development comes under scrutiny for what it’s been spending your money on — something it hasn’t been very forthcoming about before President Donald Trump’s administration made it one of the first targets of its Department of Government Efficiency downsizing initiative — the agency has come under fire for a whole lot of largesse that supported progressive, Democrat causes.
On Jan. 25, the Central Intelligence Agency announced that it believed the COVID-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
While they asserted this with “low confidence,” according to The Wall Street Journal, it was a major shift for an agency that had long refused to take a position in the matter, particularly when most U.S. intelligence agencies favored a natural origin.
The CIA now believes, however, “that a research-related origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is more likely than a natural origin based on the available body of reporting.”
This comes as a surprise to virtually no one with a functioning brain. The virus most closely related to SARS-CoV-2 was not found naturally near Wuhan, nor was any original host animal found, nor were any bats — the source of that family of coronaviruses — ever found being sold at the wet market supposedly responsible for the outbreak.
There was, meanwhile, an institute of virology hundreds of meters from where the outbreak began. There were numerous safety issues documented there and public evidence of a mishap there in October of 2019, around the time when scientists believe the virus would have begun to spread.
While this can’t be said to be dispositive for a lab leak, the balance of the evidence is pretty clear — and despite their best efforts, even the Chinese Communist Party can’t come up with a plausible theory regarding animal-to-human transfer five years in.
To make matters worse, the research being done at the Wuhan Institute of Virology was — despite Anthony Fauci’s verbal prestidigitations in denying it — so-called “gain of function” research, which is to say it took viruses (in this case, bat coronaviruses), and looked at ways they could become more transmissible or deadly.