July 3, 2022
UK Monitoring Growth of New BA.2.75 Variant, Which Has Emerged in Five Countries Worldwide
“Scientists have expressed their concern at a new covid variant which has emerged in several countries worldwide.
The strain, a descendant of Omicron, has been given the international classification label BA.2.75, as it is a second generation of the BA.2 variant which caused a wave in the UK in late March.
While the number of cases sequenced in labs is small, at just over 50, the true figure is expected to be far higher due to the wide geographical spread.
This, and the number of distinct mutations from its parent, has caused one expert to describe the discovery as ‘alarming’.
The UK Health Security Agency is understood to be aware of the variant, but a source said it was just one of a number of new strains that were being monitored and there was not yet currently a cause for concern.
It is present in at least five countries, with the most identified in India
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