June 4, 2021 – 8:10 p.m.
President Donald Trump suggested he would consider running for a House seat in 2022 in a bid to become Speaker of the House and launch an impeachment investigation against  Joe Biden.
Trump commented on the idea during an interview broadcast by far-right radio host Wayne Allyn Root on Friday afternoon. Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon first touted the idea of Trump running for Congress to take over as Speaker of the House back in February. Root raised the idea with Trump directly during his interview.
“Why not, instead of waiting for 2024, and I’m hoping you’ll run in 2024 but why not run in 2022 for the United States Congress, a House seat in Florida. Win big. Lead us to a dramatic landslide victory. Take the House by 50 seats. And then you become the Speaker of the House, lead the impeachment of Biden and start criminal investigations against Biden. You’ll wipe him out for this last two years,” Root said with excitement.
“That’s so—that’s so interesting,” Trump responded.
“Do it! You’ll be a folk hero!” Root responded.
“Yeah, you know it’s very interesting,” Trump added. He said some have previously suggested he run for Senate as well. “But you know what, your idea might be better. It’s very interesting.” Right Wing Watch first reported on the remarks.
Bannon laid out the same plan in mid-February during remarks he made for Boston Republicans. “He’ll come back to us. We’ll have a sweeping victory in 2022, and he’ll lead us in 2024,” the former Trump administration official said at the time.
Even if Trump chose to run for a House seat in 2022, he would have to win that race and Republicans would have to take control of the House of Representatives for him to have a shot at becoming speaker of the legislative chamber. Currently, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, a California Republican, is seen as the frontrunner to become speaker if GOP candidates successfully flip the House in the midterm elections.
Notably, Trump also suggested in a Friday statement he does plan to run for the presidency again in the future. After Facebook announced Trump will remain suspended from the social media platform until 2023, the former president released a statement saying he’d no longer have Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg over for dinner at the White House.

“Next time I’m in the White House there will be no more dinners, at his request, with Mark Zuckerberg and his wife. It will all be business!” Trump said.
Trump has not formally announced plans to run again for the presidency in 2024, although he is widely believed to be seriously considering another campaign. Polling suggests that he would be a clear frontrunner, with most surveys showing a majority of GOP voters saying that they’d support him.