May 13, 2021- 8:56 p.m.
President Trump urged states on Tuesday to pass voter ID laws requiring that people prove their identity before they can cast ballots and cited foreign precedents.
In a statement, the former president said lawmakers in the United Kingdom have proposed voters show a photo ID “to eliminate any corruption and fraud.”
“This is exactly what we should do in the United States,” Mr. Trump said. “All States should pass Voter ID laws along with many other fair and comprehensive election reforms, like eliminating mass mail-in voting and ballot harvesting, so we never again have an election rigged and stolen from us.”
Mr. Trump continues to claim that the 2020 presidential election was rigged. His campaign and allies filed a number of lawsuits challenging the election, but all were ultimately dismissed.
One provision doesn’t allow states to require proof of identification for requesting absentee ballots. It also provides a workaround for voters who don’t show their ID at the polls, letting them sign a declaration attesting to their identity.

Democrats are pushing a massive balloting-overhaul bill that would nationalize elections.
One provision doesn’t allow states to require proof of identification for requesting absentee ballots. It also provides a workaround for voters who don’t show their ID at the polls, letting them sign a declaration attesting to their identity.
The National Conference of State Legislatures says 36 states require voters to show ID.