May 26, 2021- 4:20 p.m.
Max Spiers Was Murdered After Uncovering Pedophile Ring. British police are treating the death of conspiracy theorist Max Spiers as suspicious and have reopened their investigation into his death.
Spiers was found dead on a sofa in Poland last year after allegedly vomiting over 2 litres of a mysterious black fluid shortly after he had uncovered evidence of an elite pedophile ring.
According to Spiers’ mother, Vanessa Bates, a number of people wanted her son dead due to the fact that he was getting “too close to the truth” and was about to expose a massive political pedophile ring that would have sent shockwaves through the establishment.
Just days before his death, Max texted the mysterious message to his mother.
Friends have claimed he died in a Warsaw apartment after he ‘vomited a black liquid’.
His dark investigations into UFOs and government cover-ups may have made him enemies who wanted him dead, claims his mother Vanessa Bates, 63. After the Second World War rumours began to circulate about Adolf Hitler’s involvement in the occult.
Spiers says there have been around 2 million people involved in MK Ultra programs in America. However, from a broader perspective, we are all mind controlled to some degree. We have all been programmed by TV, falsified history and governmental propaganda. The human race is suffering from collective amnesia; we have forgotten our inherent divinity and power.
Project Monarch: the MK Ultra mind control program to create sex slaves
Project Monarch was a subset of the MK Ultra program that was specifically designed to create sex slaves. Like all mind control techniques, it uses physical and sexual trauma to induce victims to split off, or separate from the body. This is called “disassociation”. It fractures the mind into a honeycomb. Then the mind has fragments or compartments which represent a separate identity or “altar”. The greater the trauma, abuse and psychic split, the more separated the compartments and altars, and the less likely the individual will be able to know and remember what he/she is doing or being used for. Only a knowledgeable handler can bring forth the altars of his victims at will.
Eyes Wide Shut was a ritualistic film done by an insider (Kubrick), who had access to mystery school knowledge and gnosticism. It graphically portrays an example of the sex-and-death filled rituals that go in the mansions of the elite.
Mind Control Recovery is an Arduous, Challenging Process
Spiers points out that, often, when an individual is on the path of mind control recovery and is waking up and starting to find out “too much”, they begin to self-destruct. He has been through that and, due to his strength, come out the other side. Spiers mentions that the mind control handlers deliberately insert a “self-destruct program” into the conditioning of the victim to help prevent them from re-integrating and learning the full truth.
Spiers still has periods of “missing time“. He has woken up to certain triggers – symbols, words and sound frequencies – which no longer work on him. One of the main symbols used with mind control victims is the Monarch butterfly (hence the name Project Monarch).

Mind Control: Nazi, Tavistock Institute and Stanford Research Institute influence
Spiers highlights the fact the Nazis didn’t all get killed or imprisoned after the war. A lot of them went underground and joined forces with Britain and the US (e.g. with the CIA Project Paperclip) and continued their mind control research. The British Tavistock Institute and the American Stanford Research Institute have also heavily been involved with mind control.