July 20, 2022
A 3AM traffic stop in downtown Victoria lead police to discover a loaded handgun, after first sighting a replica firearm in the glovebox of the vehicle. Two individuals were arrested. More from VicPD:
VicPD Patrol officers seized a loaded handgun after a request for insurance documents during a traffic stop led to a replica handgun and gunpoint arrests this morning.
Patrol officers pulled over a vehicle that was travelling without its taillights visible at the intersection of Douglas and Discovery streets just after 3 a.m. this morning.
Officers spoke to the vehicle’s driver and requested the vehicle insurance documents.
When the driver opened the glovebox a Patrol officer on the passenger side of the vehicle observed a handgun inside. The officers drew their duty handguns and called for additional units.
Additional officers arrived and together, the officers took the vehicle occupants into custody without incident or injury.
The handgun in the glovebox was determined to be a replica firearm.
During the subsequent security search of the vehicle, officers located a loaded handgun in a backpack that was in the possession of one of the vehicle occupants at the time of the stop.
They were arrested and transported to cells and held in custody for breaching a sentencing condition not to possess both real and replica weapons.
The other vehicle occupants were released pending further investigation.
This incident remains under investigation.
In you have information about this incident and have yet to speak with officers, please call the VicPD Report Desk at (250) 995-7654 extension 1.
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