The president’s son sues Fox News for ‘mock trial’ miniseries


The lawsuit, filed Sunday in New York state court, centers on “The Trial of Hunter Biden,” a six-part miniseries that was released on the Fox Nation streaming platform.

In the faux trial, television personality Judge Joe Brown presided over an imagined prosecution of Biden for violating bribery and foreign-agent laws — two charges he hasn’t faced in the real world.

Biden is suing Fox claiming unjust enrichment, intentional infliction of emotional distress and illegal publication of his intimate images in a violation of New York’s “revenge porn” law.

But while Biden’s lawsuit alleges that Fox’s miniseries “intentionally manipulates the facts,” he is not suing the network for defamation.

In a statement, Fox News called the lawsuit “entirely politically motivated.”

“The core complaint stems from a 2022 streaming program that Mr. Biden did not complain about until sending a letter in late April 2024,” the statement reads.

“The program was removed within days of the letter, in an abundance of caution, but Hunter Biden is a public figure who has been the subject of multiple investigations and is now a convicted felon.

Consistent with the First Amendment, Fox News has accurately covered the newsworthy events of Mr. Biden’s own making, and we look forward to vindicating our rights in court.”

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