RawNews1st – Claremore Police arrested a man accused of violating a protective order and say, he told them he had bombs in his car and knew how to make bombs and would kill them.
The arrest report for Michael Wall says he was served the PO on Tuesday and the next day, was driving repeatedly by the woman’s house.
It says when officers stopped him, he told them to shoot him, then got out of the car aggressively, refusing to surrender so they shot him with a bean bag round.
It says when he was taken to the hospital to be checked out, he grabbed a nurse’s finger, bent it and threatened to break it, until another nurse intervened.
It says TPD’s Bomb Unit determined there were no bombs in his car.
He was booked for violation of protective order, threatening to injure/kill, making a false bomb threat and assaulting the nurse.
He was ordered to stay away from the victims and wear a GPS monitor.
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