July 22, 2021- 2:50 p.m.
SUSPECT ON THE RUN: This man, Lee King, is accused of shooting two good samaritans who stopped to help him after he ran out of gas on an Oklahoma interstate.
This happened near a town called Vian, not far from the Arkansas state line, close to where I grew up.
According to OSBI, King has a criminal history in Shreveport. He could be headed this way. He’s still on the run and was last seen in Antlers, Oklahoma.
The two men he’s accused shooting are Derek Riggs, hit twice in the stomach, and Jake Myers, shot once in the face.
It’s never easy to post any of the stories we cover and it’s even harder when you know the victim.
Jake was a family friend growing up. His mom and my mom worked together for years. I spent a lot of time with the Myers family as a kid.

Jake and Derek stopped to help a man who was out of gas and end up fighting for their life. It truly makes no sense.
A woman driving down the interstate reportedly saw Jake and Derek lying on the side of the road and called for help.
I’ve been reading updates from my mom and Jake’s sisters and thank the Lord he is improving, but both have a long road ahead.
Look at this suspect. Watch for him. He could be coming here.
He has a noticeable tattoo of the state of Louisiana on his neck with the letters L.A.
If you see him CALL 911 information is still being processed and will be delivered as soon as possible.