10/2/2021- 7:16 p.m.
Interesting story from the Iredell County Sheriff’s Office:
Sheriff Darren Campbell stated:
On Wednesday, September 8, 2021, the Iredell County Sheriff Office received a report about an employee at a local business having possibly stolen various amounts of jewelry from the business.
The report was assigned to Detective J. Adams. During the investigation Detective Adams was able to interview co-workers, and witnesses from the business.
Evidence was obtained showing several pieces of jewelry had been stolen from the store. The owner suspected an employee, Jennie Marie Hedrick, was taking jewelry from the business.
Additional evidence was obtained by investigators showing Jennie Marie Hedrick had been selling various amounts of jewelry to businesses in Statesville, and Salisbury from May 1, 2021 through September 7, 2021. When detective were able to view the sold jewelry, they confirmed the pieces were the ones stolen from the business.
The amount of jewelry recovered, and returned to the original business was in excess of 3,500 dollars.
Based upon all of the evidence gathered throughout this investigation, Detective Adams was able to charge Jennie Marie Hedrick with: Eight Counts of Felony Larceny by Employee, and Two Counts of Felony Obtaining Property by False Pretenses.
Deputies with the Iredell County Sheriff’s Office Warrant Division was able to locate Hedrick and arrest her on Thursday, September 16, 2021.
She was taken to the Iredell County Detention Center where she appeared before Magistrate R. Imes who issued a 15,000.00 secured bond on these charges.