8/24/2021- 8:40 p.m.
The latest recall involves half-gallon plastic jugs with a code date of “AUG 28 2021.” The CDFA urged consumers to dispose of any product still in their refrigerators and directed retailers to remove it from their shelves.
The business did not respond as of Tuesday afternoon to an email from The Modesto Bee seeking comment. Its voice mailbox was full.
The state has ordered a recall of raw goat milk sold from a dairy farm west of Modesto.
Routing sampling found campylobacter jejuni bacteria, but no illnesses have been reported, the California Department of Food and Agriculture announced Monday.

Raw milk does not get the pasteurization that is done with the vast majority of dairy production. The CDFA allows it as long as the farmers take other measures to safeguard the product.
“CDFA always works closely with raw milk producers and will continue to test milk from this dairy accordingly,” said an email from Steve Lyle, director of public affairs for the department.
Valley Milk Simply Bottled has no connection with Valley Milk LLC, which produces milk powder at a large plant in west Turlock.
Campylobacter jejuni can cause diarrhea, abdominal cramps and fever, the CDFA said. Most people recover completely. The symptoms usually occur two to five days after exposure and last about a week. Some people have no symptoms.
State Veterinarian Annette Jones placed the goat milk operation under quarantine, meaning it cannot resume until corrective measures are approved. The farm can continue to sell its raw cow and sheep milk.