Brenda Spencer—the 16-year-old school shooter who infamously said “I don’t like Mondays” after killing a principal and custodian—has just been DENIED PAROLE for the 7th time at age 62!
She’s spent 45 years in prison for the 1979 Cleveland Elementary School shooting, where she fired from her bedroom window at students arriving for class.
During her parole hearings, she blamed drugs, alcohol, and even her father—but the board still ruled she was unfit for release. Now, her next chance at freedom won’t come until 2028. Should she ever be let out?
Spencer fired 36 rounds, killing the school’s principal, Burton Wragg, and school custodian, Mike Suchar, and injuring nine others, including eight students and a police officer.
Spencer fired at anything that moved, preventing police from gaining access into the Spencer home. The SWAT standoff lasted more than six hours.
Police, parents and friends urged Spencer to surrender. A reporter also called her during the standoff and asked her why she did it.
“I don’t like Mondays,” she said. “This livens up the day.”
The response garnered so much attention that the Irish pop band the Boontown Rats memorialized the shooting with the single ‘I don’t like Mondays.’
But that day is more than a catchy song to Spencer’s surviving victims.
“She’s a loose cannon, and I think the whole community would be in danger if she were to be set free.” said survivor Cam Miller.
Miller told CBS 8 that he didn’t remember much about how the day began, mostly because it was an ordinary day like many others.
Miller’s fuzziness about that morning suddenly becomes clear upon seeing Principal Bruton Wragg and custodian Mike Suchar’s bodies lying on the ground next to some bushes.
That’s when the nine-year-old remembers going numb on his left side and blacking out. Miller would later be told a bullet from Spencer’s rifle went through his back, within centimeters from his heart, straight through his body, exiting just below his chest.
“Fortunately, it missed all of my organs and any internal parts,” Miller said.