July 23, 2021- 11:32 a.m.
Sonya Bryson-Kirksey, an Air Force vet who performs the national anthem for Tampa Bay Lightning, was hospitalized last week with pneumonia.
A fully vaccinated 54-year-old singer suffering from multiple sclerosis and other health conditions has been hospitalized with COVID-19 and says she is now fighting for her life.
Sonya Bryson-Kirksey, an Air Force vet who performs the national anthem for Tampa Bay Lightning, was hospitalized last week with pneumonia.
In an interview with The Tampa Bay Times, she said it is “COVID pneumonia” and that she believes she contracted the disease from an unvaccinated person during a recent hockey game.
She now begs everyone to get vaccinated, saying that if she hadn’t, she probably would have died.
“This is probably the sickest I’ve been in my entire life. Breathing is difficult. Talking is difficult. … I fight to keep my life.
‘People who don’t get vaccinated are carriers of these variants and they don’t even know it.
“They need to know that COVID pneumonia is not your sister’s home-bound mild case.
“My life has been on the line here since I arrived last Friday with a 103 (-degree) fever.”

She began to feel nauseous during Game 5 of the Stanley Cup, so much so that she had to drop her microphone under her mouth and ask the audience to help her with the rest of the national anthem.
The number of hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19 across America is on the rise again thanks to the prevalence of the Delta variant, the most contagious strain of the virus yet to be prominent.
Health officials are begging the more than 50 percent of the population who are unvaccinated to get it soon or risk dying.
Doctors who see the ICUs filling up again say the last thing people ask them to do before being intubated is give them the vaccine, and they’re forced to tell them it’s too late.
In an interview with The Tampa Bay Times, she said it is “COVID pneumonia” and that she believes she contracted the disease from an unvaccinated person during a recent hockey game