Sniper places a shot through a computer monitor into the forehead of a suspect holding 2 hostages at knifepoint


Florida – Sniper places a shot through a computer monitor into the forehead of a suspect holding 2 hostages at knifepoint in a Florida bank.

The highly edited video, posted onto Facebook on Saturday, cut between moments of surveillance footage and members of the Sheriff’s Office explaining what was happening at the time the decision to fire was made.

“We train for the worst-case scenario. We train for hostage negotiations and what the means going from worst-case to best scenario,” Sheriff Carmine Marceno previously explained. “This is a very unfortunate incident; but I will tell you, the two hostages being safe was our top priority.”

According to the post, the suspect had a knife and claimed to have a bomb during the robbery, which happened on February 6 at a Bank of America location in Fort Myers. The footage showed the suspect tucked into a corner behind the counter, with the two hostages positioned in front of him.

Just inside the lobby and outside the bank were members of the Sheriff’s Office Special Operations Unit, a Hostage Negotiations Team, and Patrol Bureau, some of who were dressed in tactical gear.

The video offers a look over the shoulder of the sniper as he takes aim with his rifle supported on the shoulder of the man in front of him.

The angle provides a hint of the limited view of the suspect and how he was shielded by the monitor.

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