June 12, 2022
Deputies arrived and spoke with the family and went to speak with the 36-year-old son who was still in the house.
As deputies announced themselves in the doorway, the 36-year-old male raised an AR-15 and started shooting at the deputies through the walls and door as the deputies dove for cover.
One of the two deputies was able to return fire. The deputies were then able to get out of the house and found the closest cover they could find but were unable to get to safety.
As other units arrived, they were able to set up a perimeter, contain the 36-year-old male inside the residence, and wait for an armored vehicle from Wood County Sheriff’s Office to arrive to assist in getting the family members and two deputies.
While that was going on, neighbors were evacuated North and South of the residence.
During this time, several shots were fired from the house through an upstairs window towards the two deputies that were still pinned down. Once the Armored vehicle arrived, we were able to extricate the family members and two deputies safely.
It was then sent back to the residence with a crisis negotiator who used the sound system to attempt to get the 36-year-old male to answer his cell phone. After negative contact for almost an hour, tear gas was deployed in the upstairs over a 20-minute period.
After another series of attempts to contact the 36-year-old male subject, he came out of the residence and came marching towards the armored vehicle and Special Response Team and did not listen to the requests of the arrest team.

He was tasered and taken into custody without injury at 2344hrs, 5 ½ hours after the initial call. Arrested was Ray Arley Freeze III, 209 S. Main St. Clyde, Ohio 43410.
DOB 08-24-85 (Photo Attached) Initial charge will be Attempted Murder with other charges pending the outcome of the investigation.
Assisting Agencies were: Tiffin PD, Fostoria PD, Green Springs PD, Republic PD, Wood County Sheriff’s Office Special Response Team/Armored Vehicle, Sandusky County Sheriff’s Office, Sandusky County EMA Drone Team, Ohio State Patrol, AVR Fire, Bloomville EMS, Republic EMS, North Central EMS, Seneca County Echo 1 and SCERT Team who assisted with road safety and closures.
The Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation will be assisting with the processing of the scene for evidence.

“I am extremely thankful that the deputies were not hit with the first volley of rounds he fired at them, and also grateful we were able to get the family to safety.
We have great cooperation in this county with all law enforcement working together and it again showed during this incident.
Both the Tiffin and Fostoria Chief’s were present throughout the incident, since we have all agreed to have members of our agencies collaborating on all of the specialty unit teams.
We were able to call for and receive mutual aid from both Wood and Sandusky County Sheriff’s Office’s and we had a positive outcome to a very serious situation.
I cannot thank the responding law enforcement agencies, fire agencies, ambulance agencies, and civilian SCERT team for their assistance during this highly volatile situation!” said Sheriff Fredrick W. Stevens See attached photos….June 12, 2022