May 21, 2022- 10:18 a.m.
On November 15, 2021, Semmie Lee Williams Jr. stabbed Ryan Rogers, 14, multiple times while he was riding his bike near his home in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
Around 6:40 p.m. on November 15, 2021, Ryan Rogers left his house on his bike. When he did not arrive home by 10:30 p.m., his mother, Cindy Rogers, reported him missing.
On November 16, 2021, Ryan’s remains were found in a wooded area about 24 feet from the sidewalk on Central Boulevard, near the Interstate 95 overpass. Police found his bike and a pair of headphones at the scene.

Ryan was stabbed multiple times in the face and head.
Police discovered the headphones found did not belong to Ryan. Investigators were able to retrieve DNA from them and ran in through CODIS. A hit came back; the DNA belonged to Semmie Lee Williams Jr.
Police tracked Ryan’s phone, which indicated he crossed the interstate 95 overpass around 7:30 p.m. His phone stopped movement at 7:31 p.m. Through video surveillance, police identified Williams Jr., who was walking towards Ryan on the same side of the sidewalk.
According to court documents, their paths would have crossed at the same time Ryan’s phone stopped moving.
Police tracked Williams Jr. to Miami, Florida on November 26, 2021. Police searched his bag and found a bandana that appeared to have blood on it. DNA testing revealed that the stain was a mixture of blood that belonged to both Williams Jr. and Ryan.
On December 1, 2021, Semmie Lee Williams Jr. was charged with first degree murder and is being held without bond in the mental health wing of the Palm Beach County Jail. He is receiving psychiatric treatment.
Williams Jr. has had two competency hearings; was found competent both times. His lawyer argues that he is not competent and the psychologists that made the ruling did not have all the information needed.
Williams Jr. has another competency hearing set for May 27, 2022, where a judge will make the final ruling on his competency.
If found competent, Williams Jr. faces the death penalty.