9/24/2021- 9:33 p.m.
School district SLAMMED for asking students to play trans and gay roles in Planned Parenthood-sponsored program — SOME AS YOUNG AS FOUR
Minnesota parents are outraged at a school district that asked teens to role play as trans and homosexual characters and telling kids as young as FOUR to refer to females as a “person with a vulva” as part of sex-ed curriculum.
The curriculum has situations where teenagers are “turned on,” “hooking up” and “doing awesome things” to each other, Aphanews reported.
The Richfield Public Schools board denied the accusations and said they only use a small portion of the 3R’s in kindergarten (rights, respect, responsibility), with no role-play exercises “We do not teach elementary students about anal sex, show them graphic images or ask them to role play, as has been reported in the media,” a school representative told Aphanews.