May 18, 2022- 1:55 p.m.
Wisconsin- Police negotiating with gunman on roof of church in Appleton WI
Currently Negotiators are conversing with the armed man on the roof of Saint Bernadette Church.
Nearby schools near the area have been placed on lockdown with swat on route.

The scene is located at St. Bernadette Parish at 2331 E Lourdes Dr. Police were called to the scene at about 10:15 a.m.
Assistant Police Chief Polly Olson says officers were called to a report of a person at the church campus with a weapon. The report stated the subject had pointed the weapon at someone on the church campus.
The man went up to the roof and has been there for the past two hours, police say.
He fired some rounds into the air as police arrived on scene, but has not fired the weapon since.