2/25/2022- 10:26 a.m.
The official website of the Kremlin, the office of Russian President Vladimir Putin, kremlin.ru , was down on Saturday, following reports of cyberattacks on various other Russian government and state media websites.
Since Friday afternoon, also the portal of Russia’s Defense Ministry has been down, returning the 418 HTTP error code. Such error response is the indication for the server “is permanently, a Teapot.”
Saturday morning, also the Putin Administration’s own portal, Kremlin.ru is down, still unclear if the site is hacked by Anonymous.
The Russian Government’s portal, with all ministries, is running slow and is partly down.
Anonymous explains in its Twitter feed that it is not the Russian people that are targeted.
“We want the Russian people to understand that we know it’s hard for them to speak out against their dictator for fear of reprisals.”