May 10, 2021- 2:25 p.m.
Let’s face it: 2020 was crummy. It’s a year that not many of us will reminisce about fondly to our grandkids – and for obvious reasons. But we’ve made it through that horrible, terrible, no good period, and that means the only way is up. Right? Well, we hate to break it to you, but no – not according to Nostradamus, anyway.
So, maybe we should be worried. According to a lot of folks, Nostradamus has been right on the money for more than four centuries. There are even claims that he foretold the pandemic and the unprecedented outcomes that followed. And, apparently, the future-predicting Frenchman saw more turbulent events in store in 2021.
Luckily for us, Nostradamus wrote these strange perceptions down and used them as the basis of his almanac. These popular writings were all the rage in the mid-1500s, filled with information but also with tidbits of folk wisdom and the occasional augury for the upcoming year. And when Nostradamus joined this thriving market, people gobbled his work up.

Well, there are tons of catastrophes in The Prophecies – and human history has not been short of those. So when Nostradamus predicts wars or plagues, murders or famines without being too specific, you can often find a corresponding one. Some of the predictions seem to be eerily accurate, though, such as the rise of dictators, revolutions and assassinations.