2/12/2022- 8:29 a.m.
Police received a call for a domestic incident. When they arrived on the scene, they saw Nicholas Scurria, 32, dismembering his girlfriend.
Girlfriend and Scurria lived together in an apartment on Springfield Road, in Clifton Heights, Pennsylvania.
Around 4:15am on February 11, 2022, police received a call from a neighbor who heard screaming coming from the apartment next to them. When police arrived, they knocked on the door, but nobody answered.
They noticed a light on and saw a Scurria was cutting the leg off a decapitated body with a machete. There were rolls of plastic nearby the victim.
Police arrested Scurria, who told police he and the victim had got into an argument where he punched her repeatedly, rendering her unconscious. Scurria told police that the victim tried to castrate him before he killed her.
In a press release the District Attorney for Delaware County, PA, stated “Based on the defendant’s statements at the time of his arrest, in response to what the defendant perceived as a threat to his masculinity, he brutally killed and then dismembered his victim.”
Scurria has been charged with 1st Degree Murder, 3rd Degree Murder, Possession of Instrument w/Intent to Commit Crime, and Abuse of Corpse.