April 20, 2021- 8:20 p.m.
Twitter users pounced on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday after she publicly thanked George Floyd “for sacrificing your life for justice.”
“Thank you, George Floyd, for sacrificing your life for justice. For being there to call out to your mom — how heartbreaking was that — call out for your mom, ‘I can’t breathe,’” Pelosi said.
“Thank you for sacrificing your life? Better to say, I’m sorry you had to sacrifice your life for justice. Sheesh,” tweeted @KimK5765.
Another user, @Chris_Lee_Cal, tweeted, “Pretty sure he didn’t sign up to be murdered by a cop.”
A user with the handle @marginoferror tweeted: “NO! NO, NO, NO. What the f–k, Pelosi!”
“‘Sacrificing your life’ is something people have to do on their own. Floyd was murdered. We just had a whole-ass trial!” @marginoferror added.
User @pwebbbbb tweeted: “My God the ignorance of Pelosi. This is really a good indication of why we need term limits because her old ass is out of her damn mind. ‘Sacrificing himself’… like he had a choice..”
Media and political consultant Timothy Burke, a former writer for the Daily Beast and Deadspin, called the California Democrat’s remark — made during a news conference with members of the Congressional Black Caucus — “absolutely bizarre.”
Some of Burke’s 94,000 followers replied with similar reactions.
“Why do they keep putting her out in public?” tweeted @CasualMandalor1, while @Schneideur called Pelosi an “absolute ghoul.”
“So far out of touch she doesn’t even qualify for the Hall and Oates song anymore,” added @Mister_Argent.