June 9, 2021- 1:30 p.m.
There is something else going on. There’s no question that pedophilia is a rampant spiritual sickness that has become an epidemic. The idea that Pizzagate would expose an elite pedo-ring in Washington DC is not that far-fetched. The Luciferian elite has a long history of sexually abusing children.
That aside, I feel like a broken record by repeatedly shouting about the “Globalists.” I often wonder why they would want to promote pedophilia. But they obviously find an advantage in not only dumbing down our population but weakening it as well. Crimes against children offer another way to degrade and weaken our society and rob children of a healthy future. Pedo-promoters would have us believe that it does a child no harm. But the truth is that even without excessive force, cruelty and violence, the child’s life is altered for the worse, forever.
George Soros is the godfather of Globalism
I wondered if there were ties to George Soros-arguably the most evil man on earth. His transgender funding was well documented in the Washington Times.
I couldn’t find much information about his funding of pro-pedophilia organizations yet, but a publication called The New American reveals the following!
Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have started to ask questions about why taxpayers in the European Union (EU) are being forced to finance a giant homosexual lobbying group with past links to organizations promoting pedophilia. Gay and lesbian activists responded to the concerns by unleashing a wave of attacks.
Researchers using publicly available data found that the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association-Europe (ILGA) received more than two-thirds of its funding directly from taxpayers through the European Commission. When tax money provided by the Dutch government was added in, over 70 percent of the group’s funds last year came from taxpayers. The rest came from billionaire leftist George Soros and two other major donors.
It looks as though the connection will be starting in Europe. It will be interesting to see where that investigation leads and if the information will become “mainstream” here in the States.
At any rate, the takeaway is that if there’s trouble brewing and it’s hiding behind the mask of a social cause, chances are you’ll find Soros’s dirty money behind it.
Considering how many NGO’s (non governmental operations) he funds, there are bound to be some ties to Pedo-groups, even if only due to the odds alone.
But at the end of the day, you can’t help but wonder who/ what (besides Satan) is behind the pedophilia epidemic.
There will be so much more information below please take the time to READ it. Look into everything for yourself besides what the mainstream media is telling you.
- “Abolish all age-based curfews.”
- “Children shall have the right to ‘divorce’ their parents.”
- “Lower the voting age and extend the right to vote and hold office to all politically active youth.”
- “Children and youth must be provided non moralistic, explicit, sex-positive – including lesbian/gay positive – sex education that includes safe sex education. Condoms, latex barriers and contraceptives in appropriate smaller sizes must be distributed in all schools.”
- Our public schools are more concerned with teaching kids about homosexuality, transgender-ism, and oral and anal sex than they are about teaching math. “Sex-Ed” has filtered down to children as young as kindergarten.IMO this is not only not age-appropriate but a form of child abuse. Little children are being robbed of their innocence and lured into making “life choices” that could derail their futures. Some of the content they’re being fed is so graphic that it should be illegal.
- .George Soros is pushing for the voting age to be lowered to 17. “Liberal” California is working on Bill ACA-10 that would do just that. It involves only state and local elections, but we’ve learned that all it takes is one small opening. Next it will be national elections, then it will be age 16, and on and on.
- Obviously our college kids are extremely vulnerable to far Left indoctrination.It may be part of the trend to normalize pedophilia. College kids are being indoctrinated into accepting, celebrating and promoting science-defying perversion and an “anything goes” type of attitude. But at this point many college kids would draw the line when it comes to hurting children.So NAMBLA is masking itself behind Antifa masks. It could be a way to gain access to minds that are easy to manipulate. All they need to do is to take the ideas regarding “sexual choices” a step further with this generation and you’ve got children on the menu as well.
- Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have started to ask questions about why taxpayers in the European Union (EU) are being forced to finance a giant homosexual lobbying group with past links to organizations promoting pedophilia. Gay and lesbian activists responded to the concerns by unleashing a wave of attacks.
- Researchers using publicly available data found that the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association-Europe (ILGA) received more than two-thirds of its funding directly from taxpayers through the European Commission. When tax money provided by the Dutch government was added in, over 70 percent of the group’s funds last year came from taxpayers. The rest came from billionaire leftist George Soros and two other major donors.It looks as though the connection will be starting in Europe. It will be interesting to see where that investigation leads and if the information will become “mainstream” here in the States.At any rate, the takeaway is that if there’s trouble brewing and it’s hiding behind the mask of a social cause, chances are you’ll find Soros’s dirty money behind it.Considering how many NGO’s (non governmental operations) he funds, there are bound to be some ties to Pedo-groups, even if only due to the odds alone.But at the end of the day, you can’t help but wonder who/ what (besides Satan) is behind the pedophilia epidemic.