Dr. Mullis is the Nobel Prize-winning biochemist who invented the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. He is also known for his ongoing feud with Fauci in the 1980 and 1990s.
Dr. Mullis made clear in the early 1990s that PCR is not a test and can essentially find anything in any living being if you run enough cycles.
He would have gladly challenged Fauci to debates about COVID-19, and that his invention is not a COVID-19 test. But Dr. Mullis mysteriously died on August 7, 2019 at age 74, just a few months before the COVID-19 agenda commenced.
Mainstream media barely recognized him or his death, despite his contributions to humanity. This will be an ongoing theme throughout this article.
Mainstream media coverage of Dr. Luc Montagnier’s February 8 death was different than Dr. Mullis, but with the same motives.
The BBC, for instance, described Dr. Montagnier as a “French virologist credited as a co-discoverer of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).” That’s an interesting and disingenuous way of saying Dr. Montagnier created the HIV virus in a lab and patented it in 1989.
In fact the very first sentence in the abstract of the patent refers to HIV as “the invention.”
Dr. Montagnier won a Novel Prize in 2008 for inventing HIV and subsequently killing countless millions (particularly Africans and Western homosexuals) with the biological weapon. That made him a darling to the powers-that-be. But more recently, Montagnier is best-known for stating the obvious – that the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections cause all the so-called variants of COVID-19.
That quickly changed him from darling to pariah in mainstream and big pharma circles.
The HIV/AIDS patent expired in 2005. Thus, Montagnier and the Pasteur Institut in France no longer had exclusive rights to manipulate and profit off the HIV invention. AIDS mostly disappeared from mainstream recognition thereafter. But now in 2022, HIV/AIDS has been resurrected and rebooted.
Remember, nobody “dies of/from AIDS.” They die because AIDS destroys their immune systems. So any little disease they catch, even a common cold, will potentially kill AIDS patients. That of course sounds very much like post-injection antibody-dependent enhancement in 2021-22.
The saying goes, “those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
So it’s important to know the history of AIDS to understand what’s happening now and the carnage to come.