Joel Pellot, a nurse anesthetist, dialed 911 early on Sept. 22, 2020 to report that his wife Maria Muñoz, 31, was unresponsive. She was “super depressed,” he told police, and may have overdosed on prescription pills.
The subsequent investigation – and the discovery of Muñoz’s final diary entry that painted a vastly different picture than her husband’s – was profiled by CBS “48 Hours”.
Pellot, 45, had recently walked out of their home in Laredo, he said, and found the mother of his two children dead when he returned for a “heart-to-heart.”
The husband was wearing medical scrubs from work and performing chest compressions on Muñoz when Laredo Police arrived while their sons slept in the next room.
However, investigators immediately had doubts surrounding Pellot’s account, noting his nervous appearance, excessive sweating and inability to answer simple questions.
A syringe wrapper and needle catheter were reportedly found on the floor of their home when emergency responders arrived.
When asked what medication his wife could have taken, he went into another room to get her prescription clonazepam – but pocketed the bottle when police took over resuscitation efforts. Investigators interviewed for the special noted that, typically, those who overdose on pills are found with the bottle beside them.
The pills were also prescribed in Pellot’s name rather than Muñoz’s, investigators noted.
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