July 30, 2021- 10:00 p.m.
Captain Seth Keshel, one of Lt. General Michael Flynn’s Captains, bring forth some VERY DAMNING, BOMBSHELL EVIDENCE that the 2020 Election was EXACTLY what we ALL KNEW it was: a TOTAL and COMPLETE FRAUD perpetrated by the Demonic Rulers of this Dark World!
This is information that we have not yet become privy to, UNTIL NOW, so buckle up for this EPIC segment!
Next, Dr. Andy Wakefield SLAMS Big Pharma, Fakestream Medicine and literally CALLS OUT FAUCI the FRAUD for the TREACHOROUS TRAITOR that he has proven to be, more than worthy of the penalties which that charge brings!
And if those two segments weren’t enough, the ‘DISINFORMATION DOZEN’ simply CAN NOT HOLD THEIR TONGUES any longer, so a few of them take turns RIPPING THE EYEBALLS OUT OF THE DEMONIC LEFT and their COMPLICIT COHORTS, the Backsliding, Bumbling RINOs, when they TELL IT LIKE IT IS with some hard-hitting FACTS!
Don’t take this lying down, Patriots, IT’S TIME TO TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK!
Credit for the video goes to James Red Pill America