10/3/2021- 8:07 p.m.
Currituck County Sheriff’s Office responded to a report of a multi-vehicle collision in Grandy at the intersection of Augusta Drive and HWY 158.
A citizen stopped to assist, as he witnessed the event. He approached the scene and exited his vehicle to check on the people involved.
It was at this time one of the drivers of the vehicles involved, Markell Hancox of Chesapeake Virginia, jumped into the driver seat of his Suburban and stole it with his 5 children still inside.
Markell headed north on Caratoke Highway and pulled into the Hop Inn in Grandy where she jumped and ran. She was quickly apprehended by Currituck deputies and the victim.
The children were extremely shaken, but not harmed. Markell was charged with 5 counts of second degree kidnapping, leaving the scene of an accident and larceny of a motor vehicle.
She has been placed under a $210,000 bond and is being held at the Currituck County Detention Center.