A man is charged with raping a 15 year old girl.
The affidavit for 26 year old Yander Ramirez says on March 27th, she was walking and Ramirez drove past her, then came back and slowly followed her, then she says, he pulled out a knife and told her to get into his vehicle.
It says she told police he made her smoke something from his vape and gave her beer, then pulled over and raped her, strangled her and was recording it on his phone.
It says she told police, Ramirez told her to meet him the next day or he would hunt her down, so she jumped out and ran, carrying her clothes, but, dropped them as she ran and knocked on doors until someone helped her and called 911.
It says detectives discovered video of Ramirez buying beer and condoms and then following and approaching the girl and video of where he parked during the assault.
They say Ramirez told police he’d gone to court that day for his DUI, then was drinking and drove to a buddy’s auto shop and stayed there all night and he never picked anyone up.
It says the more video evidence police showed him, the more he said he was drinking a lot and couldn’t remember.
It says Police learned Ramirez was investigated in 2019 for the rape of a 15 year old girl after he and the girl were found unconscious in his vehicle at Mohawk Park and there was a used condom in the glovebox, but, ultimately, no charges were filed in that case.
The affidavit says there was also a used condom found in his vehicle this time, along with what looks like hair belonging to the victim.
He’s charged with rape, molestation, sodomy and his 3rd DUI.