June 26, 2021- 7:34 p.m.
JANESVILLE, Wis. — A Wisconsin man charged with killing his 97-year-old grandmother told detectives he turned her into a saint and saved her soul by killing her, according to a court document.
A criminal complaint filed Friday charged Jamie B. Beggs, 37, with first-degree intentional homicide. It states that Beggs questioned why he was being charged with murder. the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.
“There’s no homicide,” Beggs told two Rock County sheriff’s detectives, according to the complaint. “It’s a martyr man. Huh? She’s a saint, man. She’s a (expletive) saint. She’s a saint now. She got (expletive) sainthood. I saved her (expletive) soul. Really? And you’re going to charge me with murder?”
The complaint states an autopsy found Kathleen N. Beggs died from a sharp force injury to her neck and strangulation.
Bail was set Friday at $100,000. Other relatives said that was too low.
“My grandmother was the only person that saw good in Jamie, and he destroyed her,” said another grandchild, Kate Fitzgerald.
But public defender Frank Raff suggested that prosecutors preferred an “insanely high” bail to ensure that Beggs would not be released instead of going through the more complicated process of asking a judge to hold him without bail, the Janesville Gazette reported.