9/3/2021- 12:58 p.m.
Denver – The Lakewood Police Department needs your assistance to identify the suspects pictured above who are wanted for armed robbery.
On 7/4/21 at approximately 7:30 p.m., the male and female pictured above asked the victim for a ride from Denver to the Motel 6 located at 480 Wadsworth Blvd. in Lakewood.
When they arrived, the female suspect reportedly pulled a gun from her bag and demanded that the driver give her the car. The victim was able to get the gun away from the suspects and escape.

The suspects then fled the scene, leaving with several items belonging to the victim.
Upon further investigation, it was revealed that the gun used in the robbery had been stolen from a truck parked at Park Meadows Mall earlier in the day.

Anyone with any information on this crime is asked to contact Metro Denver Crime Stoppers at (720) 913-STOP (7867) and reference Lakewood Police case LK21- 024669.
You can remain anonymous and earn up to $2,000 for information leading to an arrest.