April 14, 2022- 10:01 p.m.
Katie Foster ran over Joseph Dawson, 52, killing him. Foster claims Joseph propositioned her for sex.
According to Foster, she and Joseph had been hanging out and using drugs earlier in the day.
They had been in Joseph’s car when Joseph suggested that they engage in sexual intercourse. Foster declined, left his car and got into another car, driven by an unidentified male.
According to Foster, Joseph proceeded to chase them in his car.
At some point, on Maiden Choice Lane, both males got out of their car and got into a physical fight. While the men were fighting, Foster got into Joseph’s car and initially ran him over.
She dragged him a few feet before exiting the vehicle and feeling in the other vehicle.
Joseph was brought to the hospital where he was pronounced dead shortly after.
Police were able to use surveillance footage to identify and locate Foster.
According to court documents, Foster has been arrested in the past for reckless endangerment from July 2020 and second-degree assault from August 1, 2020.
At the time of the murder, there were two bench warrants out for her arrest, for her failure to appear in court for either charge.
Foster in currently being held without bond. She has been charged with first degree murder. She is currently awaiting a commitment hearing and a preliminary trial hearing.