8/24/2021- 11:10 a.m.
Kari Lynn Martin was found by the Des Moines police department on Monday thanks to a tip.
According to a criminal complaint, Martin walked into the bank and handed the teller a note that read “Give me 3 bags of money, keep quiet, wait 20 minutes.” Police said Martin told the teller “This is not a joke.”
Police say Martin walked into the U.S. Bank on the corner of Sixth Avenue and Walnut Street Monday morning, demanded money from the teller, and left after getting the cash. She never showed a weapon, according to police.
Employees in the bank started to take cover as the teller complied with her written demands, court records show. According to police, Martin yelled loudly across the bank for everyone to get down, stay down and don’t move.
The criminal complaint notes Martin admitted to robbing the bank to police after she was found. Police said about $10,000 was taken by Martin and she told police she used $6,000 of it to purchase a vehicle.
Police said the teller filled two bags with cash and handed them to Martin. She then grabbed one of the bags of money and the note and walked out of the bank.
Police located the vehicle and the remaining cash.