Vice President Kamala Harris suggested sexism was to blame for comments about her notorious cackling laugh in an interview with Drew Barrymore — crediting her mother for her tendency to break out in ill-timed giggle fits.
“Like, apparently, some people love to talk about the way I laugh,” Harris told the actress-turned-talk-show-host in a segment airing Monday, Mediaite reported.
“Well, let me just tell you something: I have my mother’s laugh,” the veep continued. “And I grew up around a bunch of women, in particular, who laughed from the belly.”
“You know, I’m never going to be —” she said, pausing to mockingly produce a genteel titter behind a ladylike hand. “I’m not that person.”
“And I think it’s really important for us to remind each other and — and our younger ones: Don’t be confined to other people’s perception about what this looks like and … how you should act in order to be.”
The appearance came days after CNN reported that a focus group paid for by the Democratic National Committee found Harris’s habit of publicly busting a gut at inappropriate moments — or for inscrutable reasons — irritates voters to no end.