June 25, 2021- 9:21 p.m.
If you are SALIVATING for TRUTH, ACCOUNTABILITY & EXPOSURE, then you’re watching the RIGHT video! The Deep State Cabal FEAR this man & the information he has just BLARED OUT for all to hear!
The ELITE NAMES that are DROPPED and the TRUTH that is REVEALED in this JUST RELEASED WHISTLEBLOWER MOAB will leave any sane Patriot wondering “HOW IS THIS MAN STILL ALIVE?!” How has he NOT been 187‘d (murdered)…?! The sheer amount of UNBELIEVABLE & STOMACH-TURNING TRUTH that is EXPOSED by Dr. John McGreevey in this EPIC WHISTLEBLOWER BEAN-SPILLING will have your head reeling!
What we should be doing is praying for this Patriot’s safety! Just to name a few ULTRA-SELACIOUS DETAILS, he sets out to expose the RIGGED 2020 ELECTION as a ‘VOTES FOR SALE’ SCAM, he EXPOSES the Dirty Traitors, Pence & Justice Roberts, for the PEDO FREAKS they are AND NAMES NAMES as to who can PROVE IT! BOOOM!
Then he TORCHES NASTY PIGLOSI (after explaining how she is not the Legit House Speaker) as the RINGLEADER of the Jan.6th Coup at the Capital Building, along with her Complicit Cohort, Maj. Genl. William Walker! Dr. McGreevey even goes so far as to DROPS A TOTALLY UNEXPECTED MOAB ABOUT ASHLI BABBITT’S KILLER!
Video Link below
James Red Pills America