Some popular establishments are beefing up their chicken products with ingredients like seaweed and even wood, according to a new investigation from the Daily Mail.
The oven-roasted chicken from Subway contains flavorings and, the chain says, “2% or less” of potato starch and carrageenan — the latter being a natural ingredient that comes from red seaweed.
It is safe for human consumption and commonly used to thicken foods.
The enduringly popular McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets have been the center of controversy in the past – after a now-debunked video emerged in 2010 of ‘pink slime’ supposedly going into the nuggets at a factory.
The brand worked hard to dispel this myth, but the treats are still not made from 100 percent chicken meat.
The nuggets do contain white boneless chicken, but they are also full of several types of flour, flavorings, spices, acid, yeast extract, dextrose and lemon juice solids.
In the patty of the Wendy’s classic chicken sandwich, only 56 percent of the meat is chicken breast.
The other 44 percent is a mixture of water, wheat flour, starch, acids, spices and flavor powders. It also includes fully refined soybean oil, raising agent and more unusual ingredients such a dehydrated chicken powder and smoke flavoring.
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