1/5/2022- 9:41 a.m.
House Dems ‘Civil War’ on Horizon as Pelosi to Step Down
A number of Democrat Reps have voiced desires to ditch the “old guard” once Nancy Pelosi steps down as House speaker – reportedly after the midterms – including her key deputies Steny H. Hoyer (Majority Leader) and James E. Clyburn (Majority Whip).
Congressional Black Caucus chair Rep. Betty Joyce evoked Pelosi’s “historic” achievement as first female speaker by backing the “brilliant and fearless” Hakeem Jeffries to become the first Black House leader.

Rep. Pramila Jayapal called for “more decentralized leadership” that could recognize “different centers of focus within the Democratic caucus that have to be brought in and brought together.”
(Inside) trading the old for the new?