July 13, 2022
Higher Vaccine Rates Associated With Greater Rise in Hospitalization
If vaccines work to stop severe outcomes, then why aren’t they working?
“for this analysis i used the NYT covid hospitalization data. it can be accessed HERE. vaxx rate data from OWID HERE.
My goal was to look at hospitalization rates in relation to vaccine adoption. to do this (and because i could not find a way to automate it)
I took the 5 least vaccinated states and compared them to the 5 most vaccinated states.
It seems a reasonable variance as the most vaxxed average 80% vaxxed and the least average 56%.
Because of vagaries in the data, namely an annoying tendency to use ‘<1’ instead of an actual number, i had to throw out VT and RI.
I replaced them with HI and NY, the two next most vaxxed.
This almost certainly weakened the case against the high vaxx states as VT and RI look to have much greater increases in 70+ (400-600%) but as will be seen, this did not eliminate the signal.”
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