10/13/2021- 7:58 p.m.
Remember that Stimulus check… GIVE IT BACK: IRS sends out letters asking Americans to return money (report)
The Internal Revenue Service has sent out roughly 9 million alerts between January 1 and July 15 this year alone — compared to approximately 629,000 last year, according to the Independent.
“Multiple payment options and limited tracking has led to high numbers of discrepancies between the IRS and taxpayers,” Dan Herron, CFP and CPA told CSNBC.
Those who may be affected include:
▪️Americans who received $1,400 checks as part of the American Rescue Plan
▪️Those with an income over $75K individual $150K married
▪️Those who utilized the Child Tax Credit
▪️People who didn’t receive the $1,400 but claimed it as a rebate
The problem is the IRS reportedly isn’t 100% sure who got what, how much or whether it was written off. (Herron)
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