Washingtontimes.com – In his cultural revolution, Mr. Soros bankrolls, down the line, an anti-conservative agenda: open borders, shrink the police, dismiss American sovereignty, finance journalism and elect left-wing ideologues like Mr. Bragg as prosecutors.
He spreads the cash through networks of hyperactive political action committees and other left-wing organizations that view our country as a horrible place and criminals as the true victims.
Look at what Mr. Soros has gotten from President Biden in just two short years. Mr. Biden’s top priority was to open the southern border so millions of illegal immigrants could flood the nation and eventfully vote Democratic.
Democrats began dismantling police forces even though violent crime and theft soared, prompting businesses to shutter.
Concerning America’s right to chart its own course (sovereignty), Democrats today rarely talk of our destiny as a nation or that the best is yet to come. Far-off history is now our present.
The Soros god in all of this is the 2010 Supreme Court decision in Citizens United to strike down limits on campaign contributions. Thus was born the super PAC. The ultra-wealthy can give as much as they want, and the PAC can spend as much as it wants on a candidate.
In the 2010s, with the Democratic Party essentially his property, Mr. Soros stretched his empire to a brethren of local elected officials who, if manipulated, can rebrand American justice into “social justice.”
He has pumped over $40 million into normally low-cost, run-of-the-mill local prosecutor races to overwhelm any pro-cop, law-and-order candidate who might run.
To date, Mr. Soros has funded 75 pro-criminal prosecutors across the nation, says a report by the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, which backs the police.
“That $40 million is a drop in a bucket to the $32 billion that backs his political empire,” writes Matt Palumbo, author of the Soros-alert book “The Man Behind the Curtain.”
“But by focusing on key local races,” Mr. Palumbo writes in the New York Post, “Soros is having an outsize impact on people’s lives. Flipping a legislature and changing the law is a lot more daunting than just electing one person who refuses to enforce the law.”
Let’s look at Democrat Bragg, a Harvard Law graduate whose specialties are no bail and no enforcement.
On May 8, 2021, with the decisive DA primary election two months away, the super PAC Color of Change put out a press release headlined “Color of Change PAC Endorses Alvin Bragg for Manhattan DA.”
The Open Society Foundation, his main vehicle for funding left-wing activists, provided $350,000 in 2018, over $1 million in 2019, and $3 million in 2020. Mr. Soros personally made the $1 million pro-Bragg donation in May 2021.
Mr. Soros’ son Jonathan Soros, who once ran his dad’s hedge fund, and his wife, Jennifer Allan Soros, directly gave the Bragg campaign a combined $20,000, according to state records reviewed by The Washington Times.
Mr. Soros’ largest constellation of recipient PACs is the Justice & Public Safety PAC. The group receives most of its funding from Mr. Soros and is associated with a number of state PACs, such as California Justice & Public Safety.
That PAC financed soft-on-crime California DAs, including $4.7 million for Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon’s 2020 election victory, according to the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund.
Mr. Gascon immediately became the prosecutor Mr. Soros paid for. He announced a list of crimes he would no longer worry about while focusing on freeing the guilty from jail.
Murders in Los Angeles have climbed from 258 in 2019 to 355 in 2020 (the pandemic, George Floyd riots) to 397 in 2021 and 382 last year. That’s a 55% increase under crime dog Gascon.
In Austin, Texas, San Francisco’s sister city, a jury this month convicted Army Sgt. Daniel Perry of murder for shooting a Black Lives Matter 2020 protester who took part in swarming Mr. Perry’s car.